Sunday, 16 October 2016

Sunday 16th October.
Chased the sunrise this morning. Which sounds exotic and exciting. But what it actually meant was a night that lasted only a few hours; and with very little fitful sleep. The plane was delayed by an hour and dinner was airline-plated at 1130pm BST and because we were travelling East it got light by 230amBST. It was not a very long night; breakfast was served at 430am and we landed at 615am and it promptly became 1045am India time (+4.5hrs)  The last few hours of the flight over Iran, skirting Afghanistan and Pakistan were complete void desert and rocks... just like the moon. Amazing.

The group are 13 and include solicitors, doctors, bankers, teachers and other professionals.. and a bookie.  I have been given a single room, which does not make me any braver.

After a shower and an hours rest we were taken by coach to the Q'tub complex which includes the Milic which is a fabulous touching-the-sky tower that was built in 1193. Very impressive.
Then we toured round the city seeing from the coach the parliament buildings and various others... and the people. So wonderfully colourful and bicycles full to wavering, took-tooks everywhere... no bullocks at all and the poverty is not as extreme as I expected. But this is the capital.

Then to  Humayan's tomb. We were given 20 minutes to wander around. It is a beautiful building a precurser to and not dissimilar to the Taj. It is very symmetrical.. and that was the excuse I gave for getting lost, taking the wrong exit and keeping everybody waiting..
Good day. Good start.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David
    just go for it! It will be unforgettable
    Have a good time and a safe journey
