Tuesday 25 October 2016

Express from Jaipur to nowhere

Didn't sleep very well last night. My alarm was set for 4.30 - but I didn't need it.
The taxi took me, my rucksack, bag and my little cardboard packed-breakfast to Jaipur Junction. It was very dark. The station was heaving; I was the only white person among thousands. I knew where my train would be coming in; and what time but I did not understand seats and carriage numbers. no probs. People speak English generally and you just have to ask.
I saw the sun rise. A big, deep red hazy ball. It was beautiful.
3 and a half hours later. Sweaty, weary and increasingly wanting to be home we pulled into Delhi. But not the Delhi main station. Somewhere in the middle of downtown Delhi. Totally confused. I expected to have to wait for a local train.. nothing.no signs. no idea. nothing in English. I made my way along with hundreds of others (who knew where they were) I was immediately harangued by dozens of taxi drivers. I gave in. And caught a bargained-down 300 rupee ride to the metro. In the traffic chaos I had to shout at the taxi driver as he pulled away with my bags still in the boot.
The metro was not the brown line. I had to change twice. So hard. So confusing. So hot.
I made my way on the brown-line Airport Express... easy. In the forlorn hope that I could catch an earlier flight. no can do. I was about half an hour too late to do that.
I'm now in a hotel in Malaprinihi. It's pretty bad, but I can handle it.
I've had an amazing week and a half.
But I'll be glad to be back where....
I live in a beautiful apartment with a gorgeous Wendy y'know.
And I'll be home tomorrow.

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